Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot

Ubuntu 11.10 Starts To Be Shinier

I've been testing the Alpha version of Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot for a few weeks now. The updates have been pretty meaty (150+MB a pop), but the improvements have been regular and substantial.
Last night before going to bed I updated Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop and then went to sleep. This morning when I booted up I noticed quite a few UI improvements and overhauls.
My Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop. Notice the new darker "Dash Home" icon/button in the top-left corner of the Unity Dock and the new "On/Off" settings icon in the top-right corner of the screenshot.

The biggest UI overhaul seems to have taken place in the Ubuntu Software Centre (the app store - Mac OSX and iOS - "inspiration"...). The new UI is shiny and just as intuitive and easy to use as it used to be. Below are some screenshots of the new Ubuntu Software Centre experience:
The Ubuntu Software Centre homescreen.
The Ubuntu Software Centre while installing an application.
The Ubuntu Software Centre while looking at application details.
The Ubuntu Software Centre while browsing applications.
As you can see the Ubuntu Software Centre has had quite a UI overhaul. I have enjoyed using it so far and haven't encountered any problems with it.

As for the rest of the Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot there have been quite a few improvements in terms of speed (especially at boot up/ shut down) and stability on my machine. You can find out more about Ubuntu at www.ubuntu.com

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