
Google+! I'm awaiting an invitation...

Well well! The news has broken! Google's efforts to launch a social network have come out of the cover of the Googleplex and hit the public parts of the web.
The Google+ project webpage.

I visited the Google+ project page and got all excited when I followed the link through to the Android Market and installed the application on my HTC Wildfire S. The installation was smooth, and I ended up with a few new application icons in my Android app drawer.

Sadly, once launched, the Google+ app asked me to select a Google account I want to use to sign in and I ended up with this message:
Google+ is still in active development and not yet available to everyone. You need an invitation to sign in. Please check back later.
If anyone reading this post who can send me an invite would, I thank them in advance. I'm really looking forward to using this social network layer to Google services which should make Facebook become the next MySpace and Friendster. I'll update this post as things develop.

Feel free to send me an invite to Google+, and as usual to leave comments/questions as well.